CAFM has been active in working with the family medicine organizations’ government relations staff on the decisions and relationship building necessary in the current, fast-paced legislative arena.
CAFM has developed mentoring tools intended for use by faculty mentors and mentees or advisees with a focus on intentional outreach to women and underrepresented faculty. These tools will be available from the AAFP’s Center for Diversity and Health Equity website.
Additionally, through common data elements in each of the CAFM organization’s member profiles, CAFM has developed a baseline of the diversity among current leadership roles within the four CAFM organizations.
The vision of the CAFM Educational Research Alliance is for family medicine faculty to engage in medical education research while creating collaborations that will enhance the quality of research
and increase the number of faculty engaging in high quality medical education research.
Input to the National Board of Medical Examiners
Led by ADFM and STFM, a CAFM task force developed a shelf exam topic list and an accompanying contextual piece that was presented to NBME in July 2008. Following this, a list of eight individuals was forwarded to the NBME to assist in development of an innovative Web-based examination for family medicine.
OB Requirement in Family Medicine
Lead by the AFMRD, CAFM vetted and endorsed recommendations to the RC-FM addressing future maternity care requirements by the ACGME. The ACGME is currently considering recommendations to revise the family medicine program requirements.
Revenue Generation
CAFM worked to get content on revenue generation into its annual meetings more regularly. This strategy was moderately successful and launched: a) a more focused effort to survey successful entrepreneurs in the discipline and share their stories; b) development of a curriculum on revenue generation.
Core Residency Internet Curriculum
CAFM explored the feasibility and logistics of developing a curriculum repository for residency training. In August 2008, CAFM determined this was not feasible for CAFM to undertake because of limited resources.
Research Pipeline
The leadership of organized family medicine asked CAFM to develop recommendations to augment the pipeline of researchers in family medicine. A taskforce has developed a working document to help the discipline define a plan for action.
RRC Requirements for Family Medicine
A taskforce of members from all four CAFM organizations gathered information to be organized into a cohesive set of recommended revisions to the current ACGME RC requirements for family medicine residency training.
Hospitalist Movement in Family Medicine
A taskforce convened to study and prepare a manuscript addressing the impact of the hospitalist movement on family medicine education.
Family Medicine Clerkship Core Content Curriculum
Lead by STFM, CAFM convened a task force to define a national standard for the core curriculum objectives and content for family medicine clerkships. The task force included broad representation of stakeholders from the discipline. Since then, input on has been sought on the curriculum which is now available from STFM.