The Council of Academic Family Medicine (CAFM) brings together the leadership of the academic family medicine organizations to act on strategic initiatives that support academic family medicine and the discipline.
CAFM Organizations:
Liaison Organizations:
CAFM consists of the leadership of the Association of Departments of Family Medicine, the Association of Family Medicine Residency Directors, the North American Primary Care Research Group and the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (generally, the President, President-elect, Past President, and Executive Director). Whereas individual organizations are the foundation of CAFM, our common commitment is that each of us brings to CAFM a focus on the common good of academic family medicine. CAFM works most effectively on issues of consensus and common priority by engaging the resources and members of each organization to address strategic activities and projects. CAFM also partners with the American Academy of Family Physicians and the American Board of Family Medicine to address issues important to the
discipline and the stakeholders of academic family medicine. To enable this partnering, the AAFP and ABFM each have an appointed liaison to CAFM. CAFM holds two face-to-face meetings annually for all CAFM leaders and the AAFP and ABFM liaisons. These meetings are held in conjunction with the meetings where the leadership from family medicine organizations comes together. CAFM calls are held in between the two in-person meetings.
CAFM is designed as a task-oriented group that engages in projects representing strategic academic family medicine initiatives. Each year in January, CAFM prioritizes areas of emphasis and defines projects for the coming year. In preparation for that meeting, each CAFM organization solicits input from their respective leadership so as to inform CAFM’s selection of focal areas. Typically, more than one organization is involved in each project, and projects often draw upon leadership and members of organizations outside of CAFM. In addition to these initiatives prioritized annually, CAFM responds to time-sensitive issues where a unified voice is warranted.
CAFM Staff
Sam Elwood (pacific time zone)
CAFM Director of Government Relations
Nina DeJonghe
(202) 525.6991
CAFM Chair
Richelle Koopman, MD